Days 114-117, July 3rd-July 6th (Caratunk, to Sugarloaf, Maine, mile 2009)

This next 30ish mile section consists of lots of climbing and lots of wet swampy/boggy/marshy crossings. The only thing new is that Benedict Arnold came through at some point. See below to learn more.

The planking put down the MATC made up an extensive network of crossing in this next section. I know I’ve already offered praise, but again, thank you Maine Appalachian Trail Club.

I’m not sure Warrior Prince and CornDog care much about these lovely platforms, but the hikers really appreciate them, regardless the style.

Very cool and informative sign about Benedict Arnold. I think it’s safe for many of us to say we know of him as some historic bad man, a traitor. But what was his traitorous crime. Here’s a quick blurb from Brittanica, and a link to BA’s Wikipedia page.

“Benedict Arnold was an American military officer who served the cause of the American Revolution until 1779, when he began colluding with the British. He eventually, in 1781, led British forces in an attack on New London, Connecticut, and his name became a byword for traitor.”

You come for the climbing, bugs, cursing, sweat and tears. You stay for the views.

From a distance this looks like an ancient Mayan stone structure, but it’s just a rather cool looking foundation. A couple great thing about being up this high, nice breezes and NO BUGS. 🐜

Speaking of bugs, for some reason they can’t get enough of Warrior Princess. They just love her, and they hound her relentlessly. They don’t seem to be biting, but there is a pretty constant cloud of them around her head.

But CornDog, they could care less about. They intentionally avoid him. It’s almost comical to see the two dogs walking together, the entomological (I have no idea if I’m using that correctly) interest is really apparent.

A view of the destination: SugarLoaf Mountain ski area. One of the largest, if not THE largest ski resorts in the state.

Leaving a note on the trail.

These last two photos are showing how rocky and how steep these Maine mountains can be. Above Warrior Princess is looking down at what she has to navigate. And if you look closely, her pack is hung up. Hiking poles are essential for us non-canines.

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